Nestled amidst the bustling heart of Delhi, a hidden gem of relaxation and rejuvenation awaits your senses. In a world constantly on the move, where stress and chaos seem to...
The holy city of Puri is not just famous for its magnificent temples and beaches, but it is also the home of some wonderful cultural and artistic sites. If you...
Among the 12 Blue Flag beaches of India, Puri’s Golden Beach is one of the cleanest and well-maintained coastal areas in the state of Odisha. The maintenance of this renowned...
The recently held wedding of Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah and Princess Rajwa Al Hussein in Amman, Jordan was a brilliant lesson in fashion diplomacy. As King Abdullah II...
In the kaleidoscopic tapestry of Indian festivals, few celebrations are as enchanting and appetizing as Onam. It is an annual festival celebrated to mark the homecoming of legendary King Mahabali...
The state of Madhya Pradesh is home to more than 10% of the world's tiger population (an estimated 526 tigers) as per the tiger census in the year 2018. The...
Konnichiwa readers, food enthusiasts and fellow adventurers of taste! I recently embarked on a delectable journey through the vibrant world of Japanese cuisine, diving headfirst into the aromatic world of...
Fermented, foraged, and freakishly healthy – a tad bit exaggerated but almost accurate adjectives to describe a home-style meal from the Northeastern state of Nagaland. The elusive Naga cuisine is...
Planetary well-being refers to the holistic approach to promoting the health and sustainability of the planet and all its ecosystems. It goes beyond individual well-being and considers the interconnectedness between...
With the release of his new action movie promos, actor Tiger Shroff has been receiving rave reviews for his rugged and raw looks. Known for his high-flying stunts in movies,...