For most of us beauty is a subjective matter and it clearly lies in the eyes of the beholder; however the beauty of flawless skin and toned frame gets appreciated in all age groups. When we are young, shiny hair and supple skin comes as a natural gift; although with age there are special ways to preserve and sustain the outer beauty. We recently visited ISAAC (International Skin and Anti Aging Center) and met the founder Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, who runs this multi-specialty dermatology clinic. She gave us the latest information on trends and therapies that are taking the beauty industry by storm – and, the good news is that most of these treatments are non-evasive and absolutely safe for both men and women.

For people who are skeptical about entering a clinic for skin and body treatments, the flagship ISAAC center in Chhatarpur, New Delhi, might seem like a pleasant change from the regular medical settings. The interiors are done quite tastefully and the friendly staff at this clinic is well-trained to handle all the queries and doubts. Speaking about the latest revolutions in beauty industry, Dr. Geetika, mentioned, “These days people are quite beauty conscious and they take a lot of care in staying fit and maintaining a beauty routine. People from various age groups come to our clinics to find out solutions of body hair reductions and skin issues. A lot of young women also take sessions before their marriage for glowing skin and smooth skin. We use high-tech machines for hair removal laser treatments and there are special body toning and contouring technologies that also help a lot of people achieve impressive results.”
“One of the latest and popular beauty technologies at this center is the body contouring using Intragen. It is the fourth generation radiofrequency device used for skin tightening and facial contouring. It is a procedure where radiofrequency waves cause thermal stimulation of the dermis results in dermal remodeling and new collagen and elastin synthesis. A major advantage of this treatment is the machine’s ability to check the skin’s capacity to absorb heat and hence it calculates the optimal energy required. As a result, the treatment is tailor made for every patient,” mentions the beauty expert.

After a quick consultation from the doctor and a tour of the facilities we also decided to try out the one of the most-popular treatments – the Instant Glow facial – which really turned out to be an interesting experience. This beauty treatment was recommended to us by the expert doctor and it really changed our perception of medicated treatments as it was a painless procedure that was over in an hour’s time. The facial steps included cleansing, scrubbing, massage with Aloe Vera gel and vitamin C serum and a mask; however a very crucial step called Microdermabrasion is the game changer in this procedure which combines vacuum suction with tiny abrasive crystals to polish away the uppermost layer of skin, eliminating roughness as well as fine lines and wrinkles. This procedure is a pain-free procedure that uses tiny, rough aluminum crystals to vigorously exfoliate the top layer of the skin, removing dead skin cells to keep the face glowing.
We really enjoyed this session at clinic and if you are also interested in trying out any of the mentioned therapies and treatments at www.isaac-wellness.com, we are giving out a gift voucher worth INR 3,000/- to our contest** winner (For details of the contest, read below and participate). All the best, stay pretty people!
Details of beauty contest:
Tell us what your favourite beauty moment and share a picture of the same on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Ms-Junebug-1577596582483328/ ). Share it with your friends and the person with maximum likes will be the declared winner (along with gift voucher the winner will also get a complementary skin consultation at the clinic.) So, share more and win more.
Last date for the contest: May 15th, results on May 20, 2016.